Species Profile: The Baltimore Oriole


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The Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula ) is one of the prettiest birds in North America. They are a small bird and are in the Black Bird family. They typically stay high up in trees in order to make their small nests that they weave together and place at the end of tree branches. These birds are noticed by their bright orange colour and their unique sounds that they make.


About the Baltimore Oriole:

Smaller than a robin, the male oriole displays a brilliant orange breast, shoulder patch and rump contrasted with a black head, back, wings and tail (Terri-Lee Reid,2018). The female resembles the male, but is paler in colour, displaying a dull orange breast with a dark brown olive colour on its head and back (Terri-Lee Reid,2018). In the mid, 20th century, Dutch elm disease killed many of the American elms that had been favourite nesting trees for this species in the past (Terri-Lee Reid).


Dick Robinson

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Identification features: The Baltimore Oriole is a medium, almost robin sized song bird ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). These beautiful birds belong to the blackbird family which explains their long legs, thick neck and dark beak ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). This songbird is not a very large bird and weighs only 30 to 40 lbs with a wingspan of 9-11.8 inches from tip to tip ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). The adult male Baltimore Orioles colours are orange and black, with a solid-black head and can have multiple small white lines going from the top of the wing almost to the bottom ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ).  Females and younger males are a yellow and orange colouring on the breast, a shade of grey on the head and back, with two bold white bars on each wing ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). These are the same characteristics as the adult version. In my opinion I think that this article was made for people of all ages and for anyone looking to learn more about these birds ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ).

Behaviour: The Baltimore Oriole is one of the most instinctive birds when it comes to hiding ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). This is surprising due to its vibrant colours. Usually, Orioles will be heard by many as it feeds in the tree tops to keep out of danger ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). These song birds often feed on anything they can find at the top of the trees that looks good for their diet ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). However their preferred diet is insects, flowers, and the occasional small fruit ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). The Oriole has also been know to sip from hummingbird feeders making them a lot easier to see ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). For this reason this is the prime opportunity for research or just admiring them ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ).

Habitat: The Baltimore Oriole is commonly found among leafy deciduous trees far above the ground and out of harms way ( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). The bright coloured bird can also be found  in open woodland, forest edge, orchards, and stands of trees along rivers, in parks, and in backyards( Roberta Kwok, 2010 ). For at least part of the year, Baltimore orioles can be seen in the eastern United States and as far west as Montana (National Geographic, unknown).


After reading all of the information on the Baltimore Oriole it has become one of the top birds on my list to observe. I hope that the reader of this article is also intrigued towards researching these birds more because they really are one of the prettiest and most interesting birds in North America. In my opinion I would recommend this article to someone who is looking into this species or someone documenting info on this bird for a project or just to know more about them and about the habitat they live in.










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